Monday, October 29, 2007

What kind of flower are You?

This is for all my plant/flower loving friends. I found a fun site to figure out what kind of flower I am, according to the quick test questions provided. I am an Echinacea-health conscious and concerned with the health and well-being of others. Try it and see if there is a flower to fit your personality!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Benefits of Classroom Blogging

I believe that there are many benefits to blogging in the classroom. First of all, I believe most students prefer using computers for learning over the traditional method of learning from books and notes. Many seem to be more involved and engaged with lessons that are done at a computer. For example, when researching for anything, from Health class to Science to History, the response is always positive if students know they can use computers. I believe that they would seek excellence, perfect and edit their work more carefully if they were posting a blog for the "world" to see. Secondly, I think that kids would like to see and hear from other kids around the world. Blogging can help kids share information about what concerns they may have with education, culture, morality, values, and finances. Students can learn about the similarities and differences of real people, who are acting as primary sources to the reader of a blog.

I was hoping to use my blog as a way to promote Dave Heise's English class. They are starting a virus in the high school. (This is a good thing. ) The students decide whether they have the personality style of a Raven, Connector or Salesperson . This comes from the book they are reading together. Then they form groups with a sprinkling of each personality in each group. Each group comes up with an idea of what needs to be improved at our school. There will be a vote on the best idea and then, as a class, they will work at making the improvement they choose by using logos, slogans, posters and a variety of other communication methods.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Welcome to my Blog

Greetings and welcome to my blog. I have created this blog as a requirement for a technology class that I am participating in. I have already increased my technical skills immensely, with the assistance of my friends. I am nervous and excited about the new challenges and I am looking forward to learning more each day.