Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Final reflection

These classes have been the highlight of my year. I honestly think I have learned more about computers, technology and past, present and future education from these lessons than I have in 18 years in the high school. I now have a deeper understanding of how students are learning and communicate and I appreciate what advances have been made to improve schools, communities, education and society in general.

The most valuable lessons to me was how to find and use video resources. I have been using those to reinforce instruction and for general information. I loved being introduced to Wikis, de.licio.us and blogs and intend to perpetuate their use by my students and peers too. I hope that more teachers begin using this type of tool to instruct their students beacause of the wealth of information that is available to them when utilizing them. I can't say that many teachers I know of have much knowledge of how to implement these tools in their classrooms. Perhaps some one day lessons or some team planning would make a difference.

The 2.0 school was very exciting and I wonder how that is coming and where it is going. I will be anxiously be looking for news regarding that great undertaking. Hopefully I won't be retired before it comes to pass but at least I will know what everyone is talking about when it does.

I hope to go over all the lessons again over the summer, to get more practice so to speak, and I know that I will be able to pick up more tips when I get more time to review.

Thanks for all your hard work, everyone-I have learned form you all.