Monday, November 26, 2007

Choices, Choices, Choices-A Time for Reflections 2

Blogs, Wikis, and Bookmarking are tools each so powerful in their own way. Each discipline has a definite advantage over the others, depending on a user's goals. I have been considering which is right for me and for the students with whom I work. As a teaching assistant I would be most inclined to use the the lessons that Teacher Tube and other educational blogs provide. Many that I have explored allow students to review and relearn subject matter that they may have trouble learning.
I myself, have actually reviewed some Math concepts that I have trouble remembering by studying concepts, like decimals, that always escape me. These podcasts have also given me ideas, expressions, and words to explain a problem in an alternate manner.

On a more personal note, I have enjoyed the Collaborative Bookmarking. I have noted some great sites some of my co-workers have marked and I found some very entertaining and useable. One was a way of cooking with the ingredients that I had and came up with a great recipe (yet to be tried).


indak said...

Yes,Kathy I also like the idea of using videos in Resource as a reteaching tool. I think they could be very helpful to reinforce material. I have started using my account and find it easy to use and it helps me stay organized.

Harriet said...

I think that you will find Bookmarking a very useful tool and will give you the flexibility to reach out of your comfort zone to communicate with people on many different subjects that you find interesting.

ksnyder said...

As teaching assistants, I think you are right, that we can use new ways to review and reteach content. I think with this new knowledge, that we can come up with creative ways to reteach.
I think I am going to continue to bookmark sites that would be helpful to the students I work with in Resource. Then I would have material close at hand.

I especially liked the social bookmarking. It lends itself to new ideas and great sites. I am a visual learner, so I need to see photos; I'm sure it helps to cement ideas for the kids, as well. It also helps to get them thinking globally.

Brian McDowell said...


I like hearing that I am not the only how used the internet to review and learn. With all of the new science discoveries I can't keep up without some sort of "online tutorial". Using it for kids sounds like a great use of technology and will also interest the kids since it is on the computer. Brian

cholden said...

I like the idea of the resource room using video sharing to enhance or explain difficult concepts. The extra exposure to the material in a different way is great for those visual learners. This isn't just great for the resource room, but for every classroom. As more resources become available, I think you will only see more and more teachers, TA's and librarians using technology like the vidoes to help students "get it".